What is LifeBank?

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Whatever your situation, LifeBank can help you collect and organise all of your most important personal details. Forget searching for paperwork scattered around the house. LifeBank is a safe and secure piece of software which allows you to store all of your passwords, PINs, important contacts, and even your health records.


keep your data right at your fingertips

Life is unpredictable. Imagine needing to access your partner’s bank account to pay your bills if they fall ill, or attempting to find important medical test results from the past.

Do you have that information to hand? Most of us don’t.

With LifeBank, you can centralise all your personal paperwork and information and take it with you anywhere you need. It’s not just for documents. Our helpful forms guide you in filling out passwords, important contacts like lawyers or accountants, and allow you to make notes on where family members can access things like your will.

You can even store information relating to your birth certificate, marriage certificate, home insurance records, passport scans, visa documentation — anything you can think of!


your information is stored offline

Storing your data in the cloud can put your security at risk. In addition to being encrypted, LifeBank is completely offline.

This means your personal information will remain private, always.

To enhance security, LifeBank is designed to be used only on the device it was installed on (for example, a USB or laptop). It cannot be copied to another device, and any backups you create of your LifeBank will be encrypted to ensure that it’s not readable until restored correctly.

LifeBank also allows you to give restricted access to certain pockets of information within it, meaning you’re able to securely share records with third-parties such as family members or doctors, if the need ever arises.


wherever you go, it goes with you

Think about those ‘what if’ situations in life — bushfires, travel, hospital visits, house moves.

The portability of LifeBank means it can come with you, wherever and whenever you need. And as your life changes and evolves, so will the way you use LifeBank.

You can use LifeBank by downloading the software to your computer, or by purchasing one of our USB keys with the software preloaded. If you choose the USB key, it can be used anywhere, on any computer.


Ready to backup your life?